The Biggest Problem You’ve Never Heard Of
Many homeowners rightfully worry about issues in their homes. From foundation repairs to a broken water heater, there’s plenty of common problems to look out for. One you’ve probably never thought about is the weight of the brick above your garage door causing functional issues with its operation. Here at Lintel Lift, we saw that this problem was not only a common one, but one that many homeowners don’t know how to watch out for. We created our solution to help all homeowners whose garages are facing lintel failure.
Signs of Lintel Failure
When assessing a home, there’s a few common signs that your garage may be facing lintel failure. The first sign that will typically appear is a slight sag across the span at the top of your garage door. It may look as though your garage is smiling as the center of the lintel droops while remaining in place at the edges.
Next, cracks will start to form. The type of crack that appears is a great indicator of how the issue is progressing. If the crack looks like stair steps that travel up from the garage door, your lintel is gradually starting to settle under the weight of the heavy bricks above; however, a vertical crack that emerges from the center of the lintel is an indication that the problem came on suddenly and progressed quickly. These cracks may also result in dislodged or disturbed mortar which may fall down onto your driveway. No matter which of these cracks appear, Lintel Lift can help, but if you notice a vertical crack, call sooner rather than later, because these types of cracks can indicate a possibility for failure or even full collapse.

Need A Lift?
On average, the issues outlined here will appear about 8–12 years after a home is built, but they can also happen outside that time frame. If you’ve noticed a sagging lintel or cracks in the brickwork or stonework above your garage, contact the Lintel Lift team immediately.